BYOND Group Coaching for Black Women Leaders

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.”

Audre Lorde

For far too long, Black women have been struggling to survive

It’s time to abandon the survival mentality first you have to heal.

It’s time for you to be in community with other women who want a safe space to land.

The BYOND BLACK WOMAN COACHING Program is a 12-month intensive coaching program for Black women who want more in their career, relationships, and life.


Over the past 20 years, my primary goal has been empowering and uplifting Black women. Getting you to the next level in your career is only part of it. I want to move into every aspect of your life to enable you to live out loud, happy, healthy, and whole.

We all need healing from generational trauma and harmful mindsets

Using the power of positive psychology, my vision for this year-long group coaching experience is for Black women from all backgrounds to join the community to share their struggles and develop the tools that will enable them to live RICH, fulfilled lives using the

R.I.C.H Approach to leadership

Where you are:

BYOND will empower you to grow your emotional and interpersonal intelligence, learn skills to manage conflict, identify and communicate your needs clearly and effectively. I want this program to set Black women free from the burdens of lack or “bare minimum” thinking to embarking on lives beyond our ancestors’ wildest dreams.



Discover the Path to Balance, Empowerment, and Joy Amidst Life’s Challenges

Let’s Hear About Maya’s Transformation

Maya was like you.
A high achiever, a leader, always pushing through, and always on top of her game. But underneath the accolades and accomplishments, she felt something was missing.
The constant juggling act between work, personal life, and the unspoken pressures of being a Black woman in a demanding world took its toll. Maya knew she was surviving, not thriving.

Then, Maya found our community.

It was here, among like-minded women, she learned the art of true balance and well-being.

She transformed from a woman on the brink of burnout to a vibrant leader, full of energy and purpose.

Maya's story isn't unique in our community – it could be your story.

Understanding Your Struggle

You’re here because you know something needs to change. You’ve been the rock, the dependable one, always pushing through.

But at what cost?

You’re not alone in feeling the weight of expectations, the pressure to excel in every aspect of life, and the exhaustion that comes with it.

Recognizing Burnout and Stress:

You're managing it all – career, family, social obligations – but at the end of the day, you're left feeling drained. The constant strive for excellence has become a never-ending cycle of stress and fatigue.

The Need for a Supportive Community:

Navigating the professional world as a Black woman is not without its unique challenges. The subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle experiences of racism and discrimination can leave you feeling isolated. You need a community that understands, a space where your experiences are validated, and your voice is heard.

The Longing for Holistic Well-Being:

You seek more than success; you crave wholeness. A balanced life where career achievements harmonize with personal fulfillment. You know there's more to life than the relentless pursuit of the next milestone.

But how do you break the cycle? How do you move from surviving to thriving?

The Path Forward

The answer lies in recognizing and addressing these deep-seated challenges. It’s about understanding that you deserve more – a life where you don’t just cope but flourish.

Empathy and Understanding:

We know what it's like. The frustration of unmet potential, the loneliness in a crowd, the thirst for a space where you can just be you – without judgment, without reservation.

A Community That Empowers:

Imagine a place where your experiences as a high-achieving Black woman are not just acknowledged but celebrated. A community where you're not alone, where shared stories and mutual support pave the way for collective healing and growth.

Holistic Approach to Personal Development:

Our program isn't just about professional success; it's about nurturing every aspect of your being – mind, body, and soul. It's about equipping you with the tools to build resilience, cultivate joy, and achieve a sustainable balance in life.


Unlock Your Unseen Potential - The Journey Begins Here

Welcome to a transformative experience crafted uniquely for you. Our program is more than just coaching; it's a beacon of hope and a catalyst for profound change. It's where your journey from surviving to thriving begins.

Community Connection:

Immerse yourself in a community that understands and uplifts you. Here, every conversation is a step towards collective empowerment.

Personal Development Redefined :

Personal growth is at the heart of our program. It's about expanding your horizons, both professionally and personally.

A Holistic Approach:

Embrace a well-rounded path to wellness that touches every aspect of your life – from mental clarity to emotional resilience.

Focus on Wellbeing:

Your well-being is our priority. We provide tools and resources to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.

Step Into a World of Endless Possibilities - Discover the Program

Every component of our program is meticulously designed to bring you closer to your true potential:

Empowering Coaching Sessions:

Dive into sessions that challenge and inspire you, leading to breakthroughs and new perspectives.

Revitalizing Retreat:

Participate in a retreat that rejuvenates your spirit and connects you deeper with your community.

Robust Community Support:

Gain access to an unwavering support system, a safe haven for sharing, learning, and growing.

Benefits at Every Turn:

Witness transformations in all areas of your life – increased confidence, better work-life balance, and a profound sense of accomplishment.

Rising Above Doubts - Your Concerns, Addressed

Time Commitment Concerns:

We understand your time is precious. Our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy life, offering flexible schedules and on-demand resources.

Investment Worries:

Consider this an investment in yourself. The value and transformation you will experience far outweigh the cost.

Overcoming Skepticism:

We welcome skepticism. It's a sign of a discerning mind. We invite you to explore testimonials and schedule a call to understand the tangible impact of our program.

Don't Wait for Change
Take The First Step NOW

This is your moment. Choose to make a change. Choose to invest in yourself.

Envision Your Future

Imagine a future where you're not just coping with life's demands but thriving amidst them.

A future where your professional success is matched by personal fulfillment.

That future starts today with your decision to join us.

With our program, you gain more than skills…



Absolutely. We understand the demands of your dynamic life. That’s why our program is tailored for flexibility, offering various session times and on-demand resources to fit your schedule.

Investing in yourself is always worth it. The value you receive – personal growth, community support, and improved well-being – far exceeds the financial cost. Consider this an investment in your future self.

Our program is uniquely tailored for high-achieving Black women. It addresses specific challenges you face in the workplace and society. Our holistic approach covers personal, professional, and emotional development, unlike any other program.

We offer a payment plan that allows you to pay as you go to fit with your needs and goals without the pressure of paying all at once.

Yes, personalized support is a key component. While our program fosters a strong community, individual coaching sessions ensure your personal goals and challenges are addressed directly.

Our community is welcoming to all personalities. Whether you’re outgoing or more reserved, you’ll find a supportive and inclusive environment. Diversity in personalities enriches our community’s experience.

Progress is tracked through personal benchmarks and regular assessments. These tools help you see tangible growth in your personal and professional development, ensuring you’re on track to achieving your goals.

⦁ 1:1 Individual coaching.
⦁ Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls
⦁ Tools, worksheets, and videos
⦁ 1 LIVE 3-day intensive retreat in person at an undisclosed location during the program (main event)
⦁ Monthly mindset group coaching calls with hosts to talk through any blocks (via Zoom video conference with real-time feedback).
⦁ Lifetime access to a community of Black women, and subject matter experts in our private accountability group.
⦁ Access to a powerful network of professionals to assist you in getting to the next level.

One of the main components of this group coaching intensive is providing a safe space for Black women to be vulnerable, feel loved and cared for while also receiving compassionate accountability. The BYOND retreat is at the center of this experience. The retreat is a 3-day LIVE intensive in-person event that takes place halfway through the program at an undisclosed location. The retreat that will include mindfulness sessions, yoga, meditation, and a chance to fellowship with the other women in the group. Food and lodging will be included. The retreat is included in the price of the program overall.




$ 25k