Racial Equity, Diversity
& Inclusion Initiatives

Using a racial equity lens, we help people and organizations develop and analyze program, policies and systems while evaluating their own behaviors, decisions and actions.

We accomplish this through the following:

Our philosophy is that if you don’t know where you are, you don’t know where you’re going. We use quantitative and qualitative methods to provide insight into where you are as an organization. The assessment process assists in developing a comprehensive understanding of challenges, barriers and opportunities to build a stronger, diverse and inclusive organizational culture.

Our philosophy is that if you don’t know where you are, you don’t know where you’re going. We use quantitative and qualitative methods to provide insight into where you are as an organization. The assessment process assists in developing a comprehensive understanding of challenges, barriers and opportunities to build a stronger, diverse and inclusive organizational culture.

Our trainings are designed to empower and increase the capacity of individuals to understand where they are in the diversity and inclusive journey. We use adult learning principles and techniques that are designed to be reflective and participatory on multiple levels.

We provide live, virtual and self-paced trainings on topics related to REDI to include: Unconscious Bias, Antiracism, Microaggressions, Historical Context of REDI, Power and Privilege, Institutional and Structural Racism, Inclusive Leadership, Gender and Sexuality, Allyship

Our trainings are designed to empower and increase the capacity of individuals to understand where they are in the diversity and inclusive journey. We use adult learning principles and techniques that are designed to be reflective and participatory on multiple levels.

We provide live, virtual and self-paced trainings on topics related to REDI to include: Unconscious Bias, Antiracism, Microaggressions, Historical Context of REDI, Power and Privilege, Institutional and Structural Racism, Inclusive Leadership, Gender and Sexuality, Allyship, etc.

Our subject matter experts are available to speak to your organization on a variety of topics on a panel or as a keynote.

Topics include:

How to Develop an Inclusive Workplace

Being an Ally Within your Organization

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Building Relationships Based on Differences

Our subject matter experts are available to speak to your organization on a variety of topics on a panel or as a keynote, and some of our speaking topics include:

How to Develop an Inclusive Workplace

Being an Ally Within your Organization

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Building Relationships Based on Differences

To build a REDI organization takes time, investment and collaboration between multiple partners and stakeholders who are inspired and motivated to take action. Through our four (4) phase, eight (8) step process we lead you through a comprehensive planning process to create a strategic plan that is aligned with your values.


To build a REDI organization takes time, investment and collaboration between multiple partners and stakeholders who are inspired and motivated to take action. Through our four (4) phase, eight (8) step process we lead you through a comprehensive planning process to create a strategic plan that is aligned with your values.


Through our facilitated dialogues we help you navigate uncomfortable conversations on social justice and racial issues in the workplace. We provide a safe place for individuals to process their thoughts and feelings while creating action plans to motivate them to continue the work individually and collectively.

Through our facilitated dialogues we help you navigate uncomfortable conversations on social justice and racial issues in the workplace. We provide a safe place for individuals to process their thoughts and feelings while creating action plans to motivate them to continue the work individually and collectively.

Managers and leaders often have challenges relating and communicating compassionate messages to diverse staff during difficult times. These one-on-one and group sessions, allow leaders to ask questions, receive feedback and coaching in a safe, non-judgmental environment, to ensure that their messaging is culturally appropriate. For more information on coaching, schedule a 30- minute discovery call.


Managers and leaders often have challenges relating and communicating compassionate messages to diverse staff during difficult times. These one-on-one and group sessions, allow leaders to ask questions, receive feedback and coaching in a safe, non-judgmental environment, to ensure that their messaging is culturally appropriate. For more information on coaching, schedule a 30- minute discovery call.